Wednesday, March 30, 2011

.. ♥ Tu Jaane Naa ♥ ..

.. Frustated ..
cOz i can't tell if it's real !

.. Mad ..
cOz i dOn't knOw how yOu feel !

.. Upset ..
Coz we can't make it right !

.. Sad ..
cOz i need yOu day and night !

.. Angry ..
cOz yOu wOn't take my hand !

.. Aggravated ..
cOz yOu dOn't understand .........

♥   Tu Jaane Naa   ♥

Saturday, March 12, 2011

.. - tHeSe diStaNceS - ..
beTweeN 'u' n 'm3'

 These distances
Of paths, of dreams, of travellers
..I wish they went away...

Why someone is closer, another apart -
Does anyone here know ?
Am I getting there or moving away
Doesn't matter, but I must go.....
 It has happened before
In the days of yore
You walked beside me on deserted roads

Sometimes I returned,
After talking to you in tons
Longing, feeling so alone
Oh, it has happened again

I dare not feign
I find you in everything, all the way

These distances
Bring me back to you, whatever I say
I wish they would go away

I never told you the truth
That there's nothing left to lose
If you aren't there

Nor even did I say
To keep a distance if we may
Enough to keep it in the air

These distances
I know they can't stay
....I wish they went away....

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

DeFiNiTiOn oF " nOtHin"

tiMe dOeSn'T waiT foR yOu .. oR foR me !
... DaYS paSs n YeaRs cHanGe ...

!~ yOu miSs yOuR LoVeD on3s - yOu moVe aWaY fRoM yOuR cLoSe on3s ~!

.... yOuR LiFe cHanGeS ....
fRienDs cHanGe -- peOpLe cHanGe !

buT yOuR heaRt  
haS tHoSe pReciOus meMoRieS engRaveD - wHeTheR yOu wanT 'em oR noT !

theY aRe aLwaYs thR 2 maKe yOu haPPy aT saD tiMes
~ saD aT haPPy tiMeS ~

yOu tHinK aBouT the tiMe goNe bY .. tHeN SMiLE ^_^


--- wHen sOmeboDy aSks yOu tHe reaSon foR yOu sMiLe ---

yOu juSt saY

" nOtHin' "

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

meMoRieS oF 'yOu' aRe eVeRywHeRe .. ♥


i try to wiPe yOu ouT tHe meMoRy baNks oF mY mind ..
aS iF yOu dOn'T eVeN eXiSt !
buT aS muCh aS i aTTempT tO dO .. sO i faiL !

memOrieS oF yOu aRe eVeRywHeRe !
haLf oF me diSLike yOu foR puTTinG thRounGh sO muCh heLL ..
tHe oTheR haLF can'T toLeRaTe tO be aLone !

i ain'T gOin' tO denY tHaT
mY FeeLinGs foR yOu aRe sTiLL aLive ..
yOuR aBsenCe haS maDe tHeM stRonGeR tHan eVeR !

wHeN aRe yOu gOinG tO ReaLiZe thaT we beLonG ~ " tOgeTheR " ~

i knOw tHaT sOmewHeRe in yOuR heaRt yOu feeL tHe saMe foR me ..
juSt LooK a LiL' DeePeR ..
paSt tHe anGeR ~
....... huRts n soRRoWs .......
-- tHeN yOu'LL see tHaT --
" yOu sTiLL dO Love me!"