Sunday, January 08, 2012

meRi daastan ... MY STORY ♥
< Part 5 >

PreviOus ParTs!

> PART 4 <
PART 3 <
PART 2 <
PART 1 <


umm... " me's " own world.........(written for 'he')

" There's no such thing as 'beSt friend's love'....... either its full love or no love!'
No middLe path.............. either you dont wana fall for me,or just denying ur feelings fr me!!!!!......

It's all or nothing..! ... WHY DONT U UNDERSTANDD???~!! :(

. . .

i know you love somebody else, and would never feel the same love for me...which you do for her!,... i know this very well!!!.......... but this damnnnn heartt doesn't wanna accept ths!!!!! ..........

it somehow tells me that -
what is unsaid is true ...
the feelings untold do exist ...
the relation undiscovered is the ultimate destiny!!!


wanna stop the feelings hurling in this dumb heart ... but this time MIND WON'T ALLOW ! Surprisingly, mind too agrees with the heart!... What to do??


i tried to convince myself in every possible way that i've you (as a good friend) but you can never be really 'MINE' .......... YOU NEVER WERE!

But, i gueSs - i can't!!!!!!!

How-so-ever harder i try to make you away from me... either by getting rude, or fighting for no-good reason, you come all the more closer to me....
i fall for you all over again!!! And then, get hurt... but DARN YOU!!!.......
you'r always there to care for me, and ask "kya hua??,..." ... as if you know nothing... :'(

YOU KNOW IT ALL... still............................................."

PART 6 : tO be cOntinu3d ! ~