Thursday, August 04, 2011

meRi daastan ... MY STORY ♥
< Part 2 >

PreviOus ParTs!

>  PART 1 <


PART 2 !!! 

 He walked away that day.. widout sayin' anything !!
 IMAGINE -  no reply .. is worse than hearing a 'nO' !!!! 

then that night...............lying in bed~


nOw, i dOn't get tO talk tO him!
he dOesnt even lOok at me.... as if i dOnt exist fOr him!

nd the irOny is -- we WERE bestt buddies !!!!
sharing everything, each nd everything ...
we were like inseparable!! ........

past is paSt .... i will have tO face it ....................

gOssh!! was sO silly Of me tO actually tell him my feelingss!!! :(
curse that day, when i did sO !!!!
how much ever i cry.. but i know he wont return~!

.........................  kaise bataye kyu tujhko chahe.. yara batana paaye   ............ my ringtone

~ wOOaah!!! was it really *just a dReam!! ..... NIGHTMARE!!!!! ~

but .. see whose calling.... *my love's* call!!!! ..........


me : h..h...hello!!
he : hi sim.... gOod morning!! ~
me : gOod mOrning ..!!
he : ............................................

 ~ PART 3 : tO be cOntinu3d ! ~


  1. This blog site is a heart warming interesting one I'd curtainly would recommend to anyone whom is truely in love, and maybe even having diffulculties in there relationship,but also for the ones whom also lost a loved one either by seperations, or there loved one was called home and is now with our lord.

    1. I write from my heart... and so glad that you all like it!!
      Thank You for appreciating my writings! :)
      Thanks alot..!!!
