Monday, January 03, 2011

-- mY BesTi3 --

7tH nOv , 2oo8 ........... tHat day was really "HisToriC DaY" iN mY LiFe !! -- for that was the day when i gOt a persOn wHo nOw knOws me mOre thaN mySeLf !!

a sTranGer - aN "anJaaNa" , tO be exact, i wonDeR hOw he BeCaMe suCh aN integRaL paRt oF me - inSePaRable !!!!

waLkin' dOwn tHe meMoRy LaNe .. i reCaLL awL tHoSe sWeeT n sOuR mOmenTs tHat we've sHaReD!!
dOnt kNow hOw we MeT - tRuLy a DesTinY's pLaY ... !

tHoSe TaLkS aBouT anyThinG aND eVerytHinG .... SecReTs ..... cRuSheS ..... FigHts oN aLmOst anyThin .. and theN MaKinG uP !! .................. tYm fLieS awaY sO quicKLy -- and how beautifully is this life written.. by Him , that we meet such people at such unexpected time .. n now without whom we cant imagine ourselvess !!!

goshh.. i can write a whole book series about him. Still not getting the words for this piece !!

WeLL , LeT's sTaRt witH hiS naMe ........

♥ __ HeaRt HaCkeR __ ♥
RaaVan .. jUmbO .. d3ar .. jAaN .. PaGaL .. dUmbO _____ and whAt nOt !!


dOnt kNow wHaT pOweR waS tHeRe tHaT w3 cOnnecTed tHe insTanT we MeT !!!

iTs sAiD "sOmeBoDy, sOmewHeRe iN tHis wOrLd iS MaDe - JuSt fOr yOu !! aNd yOu aRe bOunD tO meeT tHaT 'sOmebOdy' nO MaTTeR wHaT"

hv heard it been said for your lover... but for me : its HIM !!

(noT aS aNy LoVer ... bUt aS mY BeSti3 !! )



uMm... nOw hOw iS 'he' ?!
well.. jUst a Few aDJecTiVes desCriBing hiM ...................

KaMiNa .. CraZzy .. PaGaL .. sTuPiD .. eDioT .. dUmBo .. MaD .. gOne-CaSe .. aSsHoLe !
well.. that's a bit tOo mUch !!

bUt wHaT tO dO ... "AiSa Hi hAi m3ra besTie"!

a ChaRmeR !

sOuL sTeaLeR !

a MysTeRy !


mY BeSt fRieNd !!!


gOd kNowS wHaT MaGic he hOLds !!

i sAy nOtHin' ........ aNd he unDerStaNds dAmn eVerY LiL' tHinG iN mY heaRt !!
iTs LiKe he'S tHe on3 'n' onLy soLuTiOn tO awL mY pRoBLeMss...!! .......... MY SAVIOR !
i aM in pAin __ n __ tHe FirSt tHouGht tHaT sTriKeS mY MiNd iS "HiS" .... aNd BeLieVe iT oR nOt -- buT aLL tHe pAiN dOo VaNiSheSs - LiKe MiRacLe !! 
he himself is a miracle for me.. !!!
i neVeR unDersTanD wHaT's tHeRe in hiM .. tHat i can'T eVen sTaY angRy witH him...!
His innoCenT "SoRRy, siM!" iS eNougH fOr anyThing..!! aNd mY anGeR evaPoraTed intO tHin aiR..
it must be looking as a "love story" or something of that sort... with no fights and only sweet moments n like a perfect relation..... BUT HOLD ON ... that's just some part of this 'frndship-saga' !
FigHts dO haPpen beTweeN uS .. n .. HaMari figHt __ bY gOd! dekhe layak hoti hai !! 
w3 figHt wOrsE tHan KiDs...!! -- kUch bHi boL deTe hAi -- aLL sOrtS oF AbuSe n anyThing siLLy !!
iTs LiKe "tujHe laDna hai... tOh maiDaaN m3 aaKe LaDd" .. or .. "kutta, kamina... what do you think of urslf?"
aNd aS aLwaYs -- MAKIN UP -- is tHe beSt paRt !!
aLmoSt eVeryTym .. iT's mY miStake..!!
(agar meri mistake hoti bhi nhi hai.. stll he makes it look like i am only at fault)

he aLwaYs knOws wHaT's riGhT fOr me .. n .. eVen tHouGh i sUmtyMss cHOoSe wRonG -- he's alwaYs tHeRe tO maKe iT aLL-RigHt ...!!!
"cHOod na..! JaaNe de ....."
aCtinG on tHeSe wOrDs sEem sO eaSy wiTh hiM bY mY siDe.. :)
iTs LiKe aLL tHe wOrri3s aNd tenSioNs .. JaaYe bhAad me !!

aNd TaLkinG tO hiM aFteR a LonG tYm FeeLs LiKe --
a sOuL giVen tO a DeaD boDy !
a bReatH oF fResH aiR ! 
inStanT jOy 
NoT GiVin' a DaMnn tO any TensiOn iN Life .. cOz he's alwys thr to solve thm !!

 He cOntRoLs mY eMoTiOns...
He gOt tHe pOweR tO maKe m3 -- hAppy ; saD ; aMaZed ; SurPriSeD ; TenSed ; sHocKeD .. anD everY oTher thIng yOu caN tHink abOut !!!
now after writing all this... most of you might conclude ..
"this girl is crzzy.. madly in love with him !!!"
so unke liye bata du...
YeSs !! .. i dO LoVe hiM !!... he's mY eVerytHing !!
 " He iS tHe oWneR oF mY LiFe !!   "
i cAn dO anyThinG fOr him...

" KaiSe baTaYe kYu tujHkO cHaHe .. YaRa BaTaaNa paaYe !
BaaTeiN diLo ki, deKho jO bAaKi .. aaNkheiN tujHe saMajhaYe
TU JAANE NA ......... TU JAANE NA !!! "
i LoVe hiM .............. aS mY BesTie -- aS mY gUarDiaN anGeL !!
n he loves mee too.... as his BEST FRND FREBAHH !!
hope you all know the meaning of "best friends" .. and the relation they share !!
he hAs MaGic iN hiM !! ... he'S tHe beSt !....
he's MiNe :) ... !!!

i rLy haVe nO iDea hOw mY Life waS gOin' oN beFoRe MeeTin' him..

wHaT dOes FuTuRe HoLd for uS !!!!?
buT 1 tHinG iS suRe... (wiTh guRanTee)

" He's aLwaYs tHeRe fOr me.. n i aM aLwaYss tHeRe fOr him -- NO MATTER WHAT !
nOw 'n' 4-eBaHh ♥ "


aT LaStt.......
all of you must be wondering what does "he" thinks about me...
weLL.. " ASK HIM !! "-- is all i can say !!

aS i rLy haVe nO iDea .. wHat's gOin oN iN hiS minD ....... NO ONE RLY HAS ANY IDEA :P


fOr tHe "LoVe" tHinG --
i dOn'T kNow tHe cOrreCt deFiNiTiOn oF "LoVe" !!
i dOnt wiSh tO knOw tOo...

cZ fOr me..
Love iS _______________________________________ !!!!!!!!

( well leave it a blnk )
> sTiLL aN unsoLveD mySteRy -- n he's theRe tO gVe anSweRs tO aLL mY qUesTiOnss <

but... dont ever think for HIM being my love....
> DuniYa m3 aur bahut hai... yeh pagal hi mila hai kya mere liye :P <

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